Precrease & Collapse - Gachepapier - Hébergez gratuitement votre podcast sur

Precrease & Collapse

Arts (généralité)
Loisir (généralité)
Loisir > Passions
39min (56 Mo) - 10 septembre 2019 Code copié Lien copié

Description de l'episode

There is a saying that behind every great man is a great woman. But, as for today's guest, I dare say that behind him were, once, three little girls. Without them, he might not have emerged as the successful artist we know. So, if you wanna know how Gachepapier's origami path started, stay with me…

Precrease & Collapse

Each month, I'll receive an artist or someone who changed the origami world for the best. Should you be a creator as well, a compulsive folder or a curious mind, you will have the opportunity to experience their creative process. From confirmed artists to new talents, from all over the world, we will talk about what drives them creatively, about their inside vision of origami. Alongside these interviews, I will entertain you with book reviews, origami spotting and podcasts suggestions. This podcast is "dead", sorry for the inconvenience. But you still can listen to the old episodes.

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Licence d'utilisation

CC-BY-NC-ND - Citer l'auteur, pas d'utilisation commerciale, pas de modification
Citer l'auteur, pas d'utilisation commerciale, pas de modification

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