The Musician Hub Podcast - How to promote your music on Twitch? - Hébergez gratuitement votre podcast sur

The Musician Hub Podcast

Musique (généralité)
12min (30 Mo) - 14 juin 2023 Code copié Lien copié

Description de l'episode

When it was created in 2011, the live streaming platform Twitch was designed for video game players. Since then, all content creators have taken advantage of it, including musicians who want to strengthen their fanbase. As a bonus, Twitch offers its creators several easy ways to get paid. However, you need to know the rules of the game and its particular culture to gain notoriety.

What is Twitch?
How to create a Twitch channel?
How to build and strengthen your fanbase on Twitch?

Find out by listening to this new episode of the "Musician Hub" podcast series by Bridger.

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The Musician Hub Podcast

Music Industry knowledge is key to all artists’ career growth. Through this podcast series, Bridger unveils how the music industry works, explains the role of each player, and clarifies important terms. Each episode provides useful information and tips dedicated to songwriters, DIY artists and all independent musicians to help develop their music projects, grow their audiences, and make sure they get the revenues they deserve. Become a music industry expert with the Musician Hub: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:

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