hrmeetup. © - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO) - Christine Fisette – Follow your Bliss (ENG) - Hébergez gratuitement votre podcast sur

hrmeetup. © - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)

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Société et culture > Documentaire
16min (15 Mo) - 13 décembre 2018 Code copié Lien copié

Description de l'episode

Certified coach in company, with a great international experience, she has all the cards to help you effectively; certainly if you are a 40-50 year old executive who has a great sensitivity, facing a new and important challenge. Or if you are a human resources manager or a rather humanist and visionary manager.

For me, by doing this interview, it is other things that have marked me: first of all the passion that is the guiding thread of his approach “Follow your Bliss” and…the first reason that prompted me to invite Christine to my microphone! Then it’s his personal life story (we had the opportunity to exchange without a microphone) and his search for meaning.

Christine will reveal to us at the microphone some clues about her life course but especially what path she has travelled since her teenage dream to date, to finally continue this history, this path through a sharing with our listeners: a sharing of trust, of conscience and benevolence.

You will be the hero of your own life and you should have no regrets in taking the path that Christine offers you.

How to summarize such an interview, except by mentioning that Christine is probably the first one that will be connected to your sensitivity and expectations. His greatest asset is certainly his empathy.

By the way, the Holdup team thanks her again for hosting one of our events on 11 October 2017 on the theme: “How can I recharge my batteries and be happier et work?”Linkedin profile of Christine Fisette.

The Website of Christine Fisette.

Our article

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Sponsor & synergies hrmeetup : "transforma bxl", "The Podcast Factory Org" (ASBL-VZW), "RCF". 

hrmeetup. © - The Podcast Factory Org (ASBL-VZW-NPO)

hrmeetup. © is a podcast produced and realized by the non-profit organization "The Podcast Factory Org" which addresses human resources and passions in the workplace. The podcast offers episodes in 3 languages (FR-NL-ENG), although predominantly in French. This podcast is available in video format on YouTube and is accompanied by sequencing and full transcription for the deaf or hard of hearing. Our organization also offers, in collaboration with the French association BadGeek, PodBXL: a free podcast festival for, by, and with podcasters, which takes place every year on the first Saturday of July. hrmeetup. © also identifies itself as "Humana - The HR & People-centered community" for its bi-monthly networking events in Brussels among HR professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners, where various HR themes are discussed. We are empowered by : "transforma bxl" and we are proud members of the coalition of Belgian ecopreneurs "Kaya" Donation : All info about us :

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