the podcast accessible to all
you create, we host
no ads, no hidden fees
Vodio was created and designed by the association BadGeek (formerly the name of the hosting platform). In order to be more visible and help even more podcasters, the Vodio offer was born in 2022, but BadGeek's help and support does not stop here!
In the BadGeek galaxy, you can find many other free tools for podcast producers:
- Videopod: convert extracts or your entire podcast into videos, optimised for social networks or video broadcasting platforms (YouTube, X (Twitter), Instagram, etc.)
- create a fixed address, which can be configured as much as you want so that you don't lose your listeners when you change your website or host. The price of the hosting is supported by BadGeek
- MP3 to RSS: are your podcasts already self-hosted ? MP3 to RSS generates an RSS feed without the need for an additional host
And more: our community and members are always excited to discover a new project or to help someone. Feel free to join us on our Discord server if you have any question (or discuss with other podcasts enthusiasts).
Joining the association or the Discord is not an obligation to benefit from our support: contact us by e-mail, or on social networks and we will help you with all your podcast questions!
Our position and seniority in the podcast world have also enabled us to meet many people, and to forge links with actors from the world of hosting, communication or sound fiction (cousins of the podcast !). Do you need someone ? We surely have it in our networks !
Do you like podcasts ? You recognize yourself in our values ? Do not hesitate to join us ! Sporadically or regularly, BadGeek is always in need of new hands and new ears to make the podcasts world a better place.
Alone we go faster, together we go further.
We support the Manifesto for an open podcast
Vodio is published by the BadGeek association, the association that supports and accompanies the podcasts creators since 2010